Workplace Mental Health Peer-Support 

Companies that prioritize mental health peer-support training witness a notable improvement in employee engagement. By proactively addressing stress and distress, organisations can, ultimately, safeguard their most valuable assets – their people.

Designed specifically for the Workplace environment, our evidence-based Workplace Mental Health Peer-Support training equips employees with the skills to support their fellow colleagues facing stress and distress, bridging the gap between individual and organisation.

Please register below to be included in our next available training session.

About this Training: 

At its core, Cycle Against Suicide’s Mental Health Peer-Support is about people helping people. Our Peer-Support training is centred around a structured and supportive conversation in a confidential, safe and non-judgmental environment. It allows peer-support to be a bridge between the wellbeing of an individual and the wellbeing of the company.

  • Create a compassionate network within the workplace, where trained employees are attuned to subtle shifts in their colleague’s wellbeing. This heightened awareness fosters a culture of genuine care and concern.
  • Enhance communication and problem-solving skills, with participants learning active listening and problem-solving techniques, enabling them to offer empathetic understanding and help without judgement. This not only aids in early intervention but also cultivates an environment where individuals feel heard and valued.
  • Reinforce resilience, where employees are armed with the tools to support their colleagues will navigate their own challenges with greater ease. The reciprocal nature of mental health peer-support training fosters a positive feed-back loop, reinforcing a culture where everyone in invested in each other’s success and wellbeing.

What Participants Learn: 
The Cycle Against Suicide Workplace Mental Health Peer-Support Programme trains personnel within companies to provide support enabling them to have a structured but supportive conversation in a safe and non-judgmental space.

Training covers:

  • Educating on the effects of stress and mental health concerns on individuals
  • Training on how to utilise a structured schedule to identify potential distress levels in individuals
  • Training in practical techniques for effectively managing individuals experiencing distress
  • Instruction on mentoring individuals to adopt effective coping strategies
  • Training to identify more complex symptoms that may require professional intervention
  • Acquiring  skills to encourage individuals to seek assistance from healthcare professionals as needed

Through Peer-Support organisations can empower employees to be advocates for each other’s mental health, creating a workplace that not only survives but thrives.

Training Details:
Training: Workplace Mental Health Peer-Support in the Workplace
Delivery: Live Online via Zoom
Time:     9.30am – 5pm
CPD hrs: 13.5
Number: Max. 15 people per session
Cost:     €400/ person
Date: June: Thursday 13th & Friday 14th 

To Register: